Beginners in Business...
This course will commence at 09.30 am. Arrival required between 09.00-09.30 am.
This will go into the starting and planning of starting a successful infrastructure within your business ready for you to thrive in a changing market...
Natalie the brand owner will personally teach you all of the below plus more...
- Writing a business plan & setting out targets
- Finding your target market/audience
- How to become known
- Setting up social platforms
- Photography/Angling professional & in service
- Professional Etiquette – How to speak with confidence, know your stance, read/write for socials and structuring...
Established in Business…
This will help you with building your infrastructure of business and stance with an evolving market, levelling you up to get ready to scale your business... You will delve into…
- Updating business plans – When in a building phase, you will probably update these every 6 months.
- Scaling the business – finding different ways and avenues to bring in new clients, retail, different sales opportunities which equals more revenue.
- How to take on staff, train, and discipline all to mould into your business.
- Have the infrastructure plan.
- Business structuring as a team. How to up level all staff with enthusiasm
- How to delegate jobs, roles, and responsibilities
- Photography/Angling professional & in service
Also included...
- Personal Growth
- Confidence building
- Positivity
- Managing energy/frequencies within yourself and people around you
- How to personal brand and showcase yourself and your business.
As part of this course, you will also have the opportunity to refresh your skills, on our revolutionary VMould intimate waxing technique.
9.30am - 3pm Beginners and VMould refresher
Training Location:
VWax Rotherham
Phoenix House
Rotherham Rd
S25 3RG
Contact Details: